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You can visit us directly through the map below.

Near by Location

Grand Indonesia

Jarak 850m ke Yayasan Said Na'um

Bundaran HI

Jarak 1,2km ke Yayasan Said Na'um

Thamrin City

Jarak 550m ke Yayasan Said Na'umSub Title

Pasar Tanah Abang

Jarak 750m ke Yayasan Said Na'um

If you have any questions about the Said Na’um Waqf Foundation you can fill out the form below and we will respond within 1×24 hours, but if there are questions that require our immediate answer, you can chat with us using the chat button on the bottom right. Thank you.

Jl. KH. Mas mansyur no. 25 tanah abang, Jakarta pusat 10240

Tlp       : 021-3917035 / 082121218445

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