
Our goal

We aim to be a place of high-quality education


Becoming an Excellent School for the Pride of the People
in Educating Independent Students with Primary Character as Future Leaders


  1. Educating independent students with high achievements as the nation’s leaders in the future
  2. Realizing the pillars of excellence of SAID NA’UM Integrated Islamic School
  3. Developing SAID NA’UM Integrated Islamic School as a learning center

Independent, Achievement, Main Character

  • Faith
  • Devotion to parents
  • Respecting the Teacher
  • Pray correctly with self-awareness
  • Always read the Qur'an
  • Courageous, discipline responsible
  • Competing in goodness
  • Honest, caring, compassion

Student Profile


Said Na'um Islamic School

Said Na’um Integrated Islamic School is under the guidance of the Said Na’um Waqaf Foundation which consists of TB / TKIT, SDIT, SMA and SMK Islamic Center of Excellence.

A school that implements the concept of Islamic education based on the Qur'an and Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH which is syumuliyah (intergral) and 'alamiyyah (universal).

A school that has a vision and mission to prepare future leaders by educating its students to be Independent with Achievement and Noble Character.

A school that educates resilient students by instilling self-reliance and leadership so that they are strong and resilient in facing the challenges of life.

The term “Integrated” in Said Na'um Islamic School is 1)Strengthening (Ta'kid) of the application of Islamic values in the learning process, namely Islam which is whole, comprehensive, integral (syumuliyyah) as opposed to partial (juz'iyyah).

2)Integration in education aqliyah, ruhiyah, and jasadiyah, meaning integration in developing the ability of reason and intellect, improving the quality of faith in Allah SWT, fostering noble morals, having health, fitness and skills in their daily lives.

3)Integration of Islamic Character and Leadership Development

4)Integration of talent interest development, Lifeskills and academic achievements


National Curriculum

Typical SAID NA'UM Curriculum

  1. Quran Curriculum
  2. Al-Islam Curriculum
  3. Arabic and English Curriculum
  4. Leadership Development Curriculum with national insight and Islamic character (Said Na’um Leaders Club)


Integrating academic excellence, leadership, and Islamic character

1. Implement effective learning by enriching and expanding learning resources, using Active Learning Models with learning strategies :

  • Project-based learning,
  • Problem solving (Problem Based learning),
  • Teamwork (Cooperative & collaborative learning)

2. Learning that develops various life skills (lifeskills) to prepare students to be able to lead themselves and others (Leadership Based Learning) through learning activities and the Variety of School Activities (VKS) program.

Special Featured Program SMA & SMK Said Na'um


  1. Target of memorizing at least 1 Juz (Juz 30)
  2. Graduate Target :
    – Accepted in business and industry
    – Passing job selection in business and industry
    – Have an independent business
    – Studying at a State University
  3. Said Na’um Leaders Club; Leadership development program with a national perspective and Islamic character


  1. Target of memorizing at least 1 Juz (Juz 30)
  2. Graduate Target :
    – Graduated from an overseas university
    – Graduating from State Universities and Official Schools
  3. Said Na’um Leaders Club; Leadership development program with a national perspective and Islamic character

Said Na'um Excellent School for the Pride of the Ummah


Established SD, SMP, SMA Islam Said Na'um


Established TK ISLAM


Established SMK Islam


Year of Quality Foundation SAID NA'UM

  • 2013 Development of SDI into SDIT
  • 2014 Development of Islamic Kindergarten into TKIT
  • 2016 Development of SMPI into SMPIT & Development of SN Education Grand Design


SAID NA'UM Quality Development Year

  • Setting up the system
  • Implementing the Grand Design

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